We get that the fun of The Halal Soci means being able to banter, joke, and to be yourself, but for everyone to join in, we need to make sure no one feels unsafe or unwelcome. Harassment and Bullying goes against everything our community stands for, and will not be tolerated.
• Harassment means speech or behavior that makes anyone feel unsafe or is disruptive. It doesn’t have to be a pattern – sometimes once is enough
• To help you understand what we see as harassment, we’ve put together a list of examples below. If you’re still not sure, ask us
• Bullying can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victims’ personal information or comments that an individual or group takes as an attack, slight, or attempt to negatively call out
What we see as harassment on the Halal Soci.
We review broadcasts and comments and will jump in when we spot harassment. Examples of clearly unacceptable behavior include:
• Calling someone names or deliberately trying to embarrass them – this is bullying and it’s not cool
• Unwanted sexual advances – if you flirt after someone has asked you to stop, that’s harassment
• Raiding a channel for mean purposes (doing it to show your support is encouraged!)
• Revealing someone’s identity or personal information i.e. “doxxing”
• Creating accounts for the purpose of hate or harassment – we look at user profiles as well as speech and conduct to root out trolls
• Stalking – ignoring requests to stop contact with someone, either online or IRL
• Creating multiple accounts to evade bans – waste of energy as you won’t succeed
• Submitting false reports against a broadcaster – we take reports seriously and ask that you do too
Arguing with moderators about their decisions is harassment – if you really think they are wrong and want to appeal, follow our process.
When and how to report harassment. While we take harassment extremely seriously, not all banter, jokes and nasty comments are harassment. Sometimes people unintentionally push the boundaries and it can be helpful to call them out.
Each members, user or broadcast will have its own feel and the broadcaster should create and maintain the type of environment that makes them and their viewers comfortable. Both members, user or broadcasters and viewers have the ability to ignore anyone.
If the person persists or their harassment goes above and beyond what could reasonably be ignored, you can report them.
You can at any time report harassment against you or any the Halal Soci community member.
Please use the report function within the Halal Soci report email where the harassment is happening for the fastest response. If that is not possible you can report the offending user via their profile page or by submitting an incident here.
Hate speech means any comment that attacks an individual or group based on characteristics including – but not limited to – their race, nationality, age, sexuality, physical appearance (e.g. weight), gender identity, disability, veteran status or religion. It is never ok – not in game play, not in profile pics, not anywhere.
Terrorist organizations and hate groups are prohibited from using the Halal Soci.
We will remove any content that supports terrorism, hate groups, or communicates hateful, harmful, or misleading information including:
• Sharing misleading or harmful information. For example, creating and/or spreading conspiracy theories, perpetuating lies about public health matters, etc.
• Promoting violence or exclusion of a class or group of people
• Glorification or promotion of terrorist or hate organizations, including ideologies, prominent terrorist or criminal figures and acts
• Content that depicts the insignia, logos, or symbols of violent criminals or terrorist organizations in order to praise or promote them
• Claim that individuals or groups are physically or mentally inferior, deficient, or diseased for any of, but not limited to, the characteristics listed above.
We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to these issues, so please do not even “joke” about it as you may be banned.
Violent content is not allowed on our platform. Broadcast or broadcasting of real life acts of violence, extremely graphic movie clips or video games from our banned list is not permitted.
• Real-world violence is not allowed on the Halal Soci. This includes re-streaming or streaming real-world violent content from other platforms and showcasing real-life weapons
• We get that violent language can be part of gameplay, but at no point should anyone wonder whether you’re joking. We take threats of real-world violence extremely seriously and will contact law enforcement authorities if necessary
• If you witness anything which appears to be a life-threatening situation, immediately call local law enforcement and report it to us using the report function
• No showing or promoting animal abuse, we love animals here at the Halal Soci
Broadcasting or re-broadcasting explicit violent content is considered zero tolerance behavior and will result in an insta-ban.
Posting or reposting of pornographic, nudity sexually explicit content is considered zero tolerance behavior and never welcome on the Halal Soci and will result in an instant ban of the offending account.
Our Community Rules and Terms of Service exist for a reason – to help us make the Halal Soci an inclusive, non-toxic platform – and if you breach them, our Community Team will take action against your account. In some cases, we will do their best to warn you to change the behavior before taking any action.
All official the Halal Soci Community Team Moderators will have a name that starts with MOD_, their profile picture will be the Halal Soci logo, and they will have a checkmark by their name.
We want this process to be fair and transparent, so here is an explanation of what you can expect and – if you really disagree with our decision – how to appeal.
Actions for Breach of our Community Rules
The types of account action we’ll take for breaches of our Community Rules are:
• Muting: We mute accounts that do not follow our Community Rules, typically this happens if someone is spamming the chat, engaging in harassment or bullying, swearing excessively in a non 17+ broadcast. Mutings allow you to continue to view, but your comments will be put on a time-out. Mutings can last from anywhere between two to 24 hours
• Suspensions: We suspend accounts that violate our Community Rules and/or Terms of Service. Most violations will result in a temporary suspension of one day and a strike will be noted on your account. Suspensions can last longer than a day for serious incidents
• Bans: For the most serious violations, we will terminate your account and ban you from the platform. Because bans are reserved for behaviors that clearly and gravely violate our Community Guidelines and/or Terms of Service, they are not appealable
If we mute, suspend or ban your account, you will receive an email from our Community Team informing you of the reason and, in the case of muting and suspension, how long it will be in place. We run a general three strikes and you are out policy, seldom will we make exceptions to this. Strikes do not fall off of accounts after a set amount of time. Certain severe violations will result in a ban on the first violation.
While your account is suspended, you will not be able to use The Halal Soci in any way, including to watch broadcasts, broadcast, chat, or give out Props. After the suspension is lifted, you will be able to use our services once again.
Appealing an Account Suspension.
If you really believe you did not violate our Community Rules, you may appeal the suspension on your account, up to and including the third strike. In order to appeal, you must contact us.
• When filling out the form make sure you are contacting us from the email account associated with the account that has been suspended and include the account name on the form
• State the reason you believe you were unfairly suspended. Please note when an account is suspended a record of the offending chat messages is logged by our team
• After your appeal has been submitted you will receive an auto-response acknowledging receipt of your appeal
• Once your appeal has been reviewed, we will reply notifying you of the status of your appeal and account(s). This will complete the appeal process
Only the owner of the suspended account may appeal, and we will review appeals in the order they are received.
We understand that many breaches can be unintentional — that’s why for all but the most serious cases, suspensions will be lifted and accounts reinstated. Remember, though, that abusing or spamming the appeals process, or arguing with moderators outside of the appeals process may lead to your suspension being extended or – in the worst cases – an account ban. Finally, any appeals that are abusive will be automatically declined –our rules carry over in all parts of the Halal Soci.
• You agree to utilize this site for the betterment of the society at large.
• You agree to abide by our ethical code of conduct on this site.
• You agree not to engage in any activity on this site that promotes hatred, slander, immoral activity, foul language, backbiting, lies or threats of any kind.
• You agree to be upright and interact with others in a polite and decent manner. Absolutely NO arguments whatsoever!
• You agree to verify any information before publishing on this site. This site cannot under any circumstance be used as a propaganda tool or to vilify others.
• You agree to not post any offensive or sexually explicit pictures or content on this site.
• You agree to not post any content or pictures that you would not want others to see or read.
• You agree to only upload pictures of yourself or others that follow the ethical code of conduct and rules of hijab.
• You agree to use this site to promote good character, moral decency, knowledge and wisdom.
• You agree to list your business and or other listings to promote global trade and commerce.
• You agree to not list any fraudulent items and or stolen merchandise on this site.
• You agree to ship or hand over the items to the buyer upon receiving the payment without any delay.
• You agree to be JUST in your business dealings on this site.
• You agree to promote positive vibes and avoid any negative activity.
• You agree to not give any Fatawa or any religious rulings unless you are a qualified Mufti or Alim (scholar).
• You agree to not give any medical advice unless you are a qualified physician.
• You agree to not give any legal opinion unless you are a qualified legal attorney or qualified legal advisor.
• You agree NOT to promote any known Fitna groups or parties. Especially those who the Ullama have specifically declared as Kazab or Liars!
• You agree to uphold the sacred status of the Companions and the Ahlul Bayt (Mothers of the Believers, Children) of the Prophet ﷺ
• You agree to follow all other rules and terms found under Terms and Conditions.
• You understand that the purpose of this site is to promote free exchange of knowledge, promote good moral values, unite different nations and cultures through trade and e-commerce, provide a safe and ethical platform for friends and families to connect with each other across the globe.
• Since this is a global site, you agree to abide by your local laws while posting or surfing on this platform.
• If we find your activities are not in accordance to these terms and conditions, we have every right to suspend your account immediately and or permanently delete it after three violations with or without prior notice.
• Our compliance department has every right to deny access to anyone found guilty of breaking our guidelines.
We know that in online interactions – as in life – some behaviors are not so cut and dried. In these cases, our team will try to take multiple perspectives into account to determine the best course of action. At all times, but especially in these moments, we will do our best to make decisions based on the values that we believe are important as we attempt to form a vibrant and diverse community. Our community members should:
• Be welcoming – say As-salamu alaykum ( ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ), hi and welcome new people to the Halal Soci, just like you would if someone new sat next to you at school or moved in next door.
• Show respect – give proper regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of others.
• Take accountability – help us create a better community by encouraging others to act in accordance with our values.
• Value difference – expect that you will meet people who talk about, create, and love things that you do not and embrace sharing a space with them.